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Jokes for Enjoyment

This site contains all type of jokes for your enjoyment and fun. I hope you will enjoy the content here and do mail us for your feedback as it is a source of inspiration for us for betterment.

Jokes You May Like


Great One Liners

Few classics:- Just for laugh...
An intelligent wife is one who spends so much that her husband can't afford another woman.


Cool message by a woman: Dear mother-in-law,"­don't teach me how to handle my children,I'm living with one of yours and he needs a lot of improvement."


A kid was beaten by his mom.
Dad came home and asked, What happened son??
Kid said, can't adjust with your wife anymore, I need my own.?

In an African safari, a lion suddenly bounced on wife.
Wife: Shoot him! Shoot him!
Husband: Yes, yes. I'm changing the battery in my camera..


What is the difference between mother and wife?
One woman brings you into this world crying and the other ensures you continue to do so.

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